Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Heavens

"There is One who is dwelling above the circle of the earth. The dwellers in which are as grasshoppers, the One who is stretching out the heavens just as a fine guauze who spreads them out like a tent in which to dwell"- Isaiah 40 v22.

OK, so there is no God. Explain this one then. The writtings of Isaiah were completed in 732 B.C. E when mankind believed the world was flat and did so right up to the middle ages . Sailors then started to circumnavigate the globe and prove the world was round. The Bible was not tampered with because the written word of God was in circulation well before the middle ages. A bad and lucky translation one could think ? No, some translations were given as "Globe" , even more accurate. The existance of written Scientific information well before the age of Science can only mean the existence of God. Amazingly until very recently scientists believed that the universe has to be contracting, normal scientific reasoning had to come to that conclusion if there had been a Big Bang. Recent evidence from the Hubble telescope however shows that the universe is sill "stretching out" i.e expanding. If God is a creator what else can he do, but create? " A fine Gauze" is an interesting expression . A gauze like network is one way of mapping out the known universe. " In which to dwell" invites us to wonder is mankind to expand throughout the universe.

Scriptures from The New World Translation of the Bible.

"He is stretching out the north over the empty place, Hanging the earth upon nothing ; wrapping up the waters in his clouds, So that the cloud mass is not split under them" Job 26 v 7,8

The stretching of the heavens is mentioned again. The empty place is is above the artic where the heavens are relatively empty. In the lands of the middle east how could they observe this ? Nor could any traveller from a far off land observe that indeed the earth is hanging on nothing.
Sir Isac Newton formulated the laws of gravity early in the eightenth centuary. He was a very keen student of the Bible and even wrote books examining Revelations and Daniel. The scripture in Job effectively describes gravity over 3,000 years before Isac Newton did. So where did he get his first thoughts on this matter ? Sir Isac Newton was the sort of man to thank God for his genius . In his day he stood up for Bible truths even when they did not go along with state religion of the time. He would not accept the teaching of the Trinity even though by trial this could have resulted in his death . In verse 8 the scripture cleverly describes how clouds "wrap" up the waters. Perhaps there is no great prize for observing this . However it is only more recently that science has become aware of the actual amount of water that can be held in a Cumulonimbus cloud (thunder cloud). This quantity is quite amazing , upcurrents of air can keep vast quantities of rain and hail within the package and the cloud stays intact in a beautiful display of natures power.

New world translations of the Bible uses Gods name Jehovah

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